This entire month I've been doing so much reading about so many different things such as religion, countries, charities, global awareness and nature. I've been learning sooo much and I think that even if you personally take the time just for 30mins a day to research about one of these subjects, then you've helped educate yourself and in return you helped the world. I think its so incredibly important to just be aware and never ever stop wanting to learn!
Today I had a very relaxing Saturday day, I stayed at home with close family & friends, we laughed, talked, ate, and I actually had a few very intriguing conversation about life, Israel and Religion. Meanwhile we watched the history channel all day. I watched a few different shows, one about was 2012, another was what the world is gonna be like in details from now until 2100, and then other show was about how the world would be if all mankind died today and how the world would look and be, all very interesting shows.
I believe that if teens/young adults watched as much of the History channel as they watched MTV, we would all be living a very different and more fulfilling life. History has always been my favorite subject since 6th grade. I find it extremely intriguing how often History repeats itself no matter how many times a story is told, that's kinda what today's entry is about.
Many of us quickly think of the Holocaust in WWII, but what most people aren't aware is that it's happening NOW in Sudan.
Over this summer when I went visiting in Israel I went to my hometown called Arad. I heard that a LOT of the Sudonin were mainly in Arad. Now before this, I had never really heard anything about Sudan and all the madness that's been going around in the past few years. I was told from my family this summer, that Sudonin literally walked from Sudan to Egypt and the Arabs killed a lot of them on the boarder and that they came to Israel and being the supportive country that we are, we let them stay because they have no other place to go, otherwise they die. A lot of Israeli's were complaining and protesting against them because the Sudonim came to Israel ANGRY, scarred, ill, starving, homeless and empty. so they caused problems by raising the crime rate, stealing, rubbing, ect.
I actually saw a few in Arad and they were insanely tall, both women and men, I would say were all 6 feet and up, SKINNY and very dark, darker then most Africans.
Now I'm a very compassionate person and I felt terrible because walking around my small town you saw many and you looked into their eyes and you can see such hurt and sadness in their eyes.
My brother last semester actually took a genocide class and we discussed a lot of the issues, his class main focus was Sudan, he also read an amazing book which I really wanna read, I'll find out the name of it and I highly recommend you read it.
Well earlier during the day I was shown something pretty neat on Google Earth, I've seen Google Earth before but never really downloaded it and played around with all its cool features. Tonight I played around with the "Layers" I clicked "Ocean" and it seriously shows you almost every sunken ships location, date, story, photos, videos, its pretty amazing and thennnnnn I saw a "Global Awareness" layer, so I clicked it, which was like the greatest idea EVERRR! lol It started showing me all the big organizations all around the world and all their projects that they are currently working on. So I started looking into California and then figured that there would be a lot of things going on in Africa so I went to check it out and what I saw was really crazy! First it showed an orange section in bold and it read "Crisis in Darfur". When I zoomed in, it actually showed alllll the section in the towns of Darfur that were completely burned to pieces with people in them and I mean you look at this and your heart just dropped as the fire signs expand on your screen, it really broke my heart.

I mean this is just INSANE people and happening right now!
Between 2003 and 2005, at least 200,000 civilians died from violence, disease, and starvation, tens of thousands of women were raped, and more than 2.5 million people driven from their homes following attacks carried out by Sudanese government soldiers and militias! I mean this is JUST TERRRRIBLEEEEEE!!!! Currently more then a half a million people have lost their lives. =(
There are a million more stories like this.
So at least try to read more and cause awareness.
I feel that because I'm a Jew, its so important for me to set an example. I take the Jewish Holocaust very personally and emotionally. It really ripped my heart out to hear that such torture is still going on in 2010!!! It's just unbelievable. In 2010 will mark 8 years of targeted violence! Enough is enough! We are all one. Humans. Not animals!
My deed of the day was to donate money to the cause and cause awareness. I would very much like to go and volunteer in a country with so much needs but I dont think I'm emotionally strong enough to handle it but I'm still looking into it....
Sorry for the misspelling, its 720am and I'm soooo tired. NIGHTTTTT
"I met a young man who was wounded in love, I met another man who was wounded in hatred." -Bob Dylan
If you want to learn how you can get involved check out:
Jewish World Watch:
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:
Stop Genocide Now:
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