Today I spoke to my brother and found out the name of the book about the crisis in Sudan, it's called "Not On Our Watch" it's also an organization and the founders are Don Cheadle, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, David Pressman and Jerry Weintraub. The author of the book is Don Cheadle. They actually suggest writing President Obama by going on to The White House website! I think I'm actually gonna do this tomorrow! I know most people think that writing is insignificant but its kinda like voting, every vote counts, it all adds up.
I really cant seem to understand why the world isn't doing something to stop this, this should honestly be the global's number one priority!!! I believe that an animistic like act shouldn't be happening in 2010. We, as a world have came a long way let's not stop and not give up! Yesterday I spoke to a dear friend, who's in her 30's and she had no idea this was even going on. Help with me to cause awareness the more I read about this, the more it breaks my heart. If you are interested in actually writing President Obama about the matter the link is at the bottom of the page.
Today I also found out more information about the specific volunteer program I want to join, which I have till the end of the week to decide on. The program is 5 months and will start in March, so for the meantime I decided to look for a part time job that would be related to my project. So I went on a job interview today at this brand new place that opened up in Encino, called Salt Chalet. It's actually pretty interesting, helps people and is Eco-Friendly. What it is, is basically a room that's made of 100% salt, the walls, ceiling, and the floor as salt like sand, and it basically helps Adult and Children with breathing problems such as asthma, wheezing, snoring, smoker's cough, skin problems and many more. During the 45-mins treatment session, salt aerosol is scattered into the air for the patients to breathe in. These aerosolized microparticles can penetrate into every corner of the bronchi and deposit upon the surface, destroying bacteria and fungi. PRETTY NEATO! It's a very relaxing atmosper and a beautiful place. Hope I get the job!

Here is more info:
As far as researching goes I found out today about different children's organizations. Some I've never heard about and others I wanted to get more educated about. I think the one that really caught my attention was "Children of the Night" this is a non-profit organization. They assist children between the ages
of 11 and 17 who are forced to prostitute on the streets for food and a place to sleep. AHHHHHH this is just horrible! I take this category of crisis exteremmmly personal, anything that has to do with women being raped or children trafficking I just can't handle. If I had to choice 1 category of which to help the most it would be this. I think also watching the movie Taken had a big effect on me, after watching that movie I had 2 nightmares in one week!
This organization gives these victims a home. Children who first arrive are given the individual attention he or she needs. Youngsters are assigned to private bedrooms if possible (each with its own bath) until they get a chance to settle in, and receive fresh clothing and hygiene kits. Each child is designated a Primary Caseworker who coordinates medical care, psychological care, academic assessments and other social services as needed. Residents follow a highly structured program that includes attending an on-site school. With the help of caseworkers, each youngster formulates a “life plan” and attends independent living classes. This is really an amazing program that seems to really go through everything these children need, I definitely want to volunteer and donate to this organization.
Well turn out Disney is actually doing alot of give aways this year. They are rewarding volunteers with a free pass to Disneyland or Disneyworld with there Give a Day, Get a Disney Day campaign. Children of the Night is one of the many on the list. If your interested in this, you should definitely check it out as well, there is so many different volunteers jobs all over, some only take 2hrs.
My #1 favorable children trafficking organization is love146 but I will speak about them on another day.
Not On Our Watch:
Write Obama:
Salt Chalet:
Children of the Night:
Disney's Give a Day, Get a Disney Day:
I stumbled across a link to your blog on a recycling page on facebook and after reading a few of your blogs, I'm going to post a link in my status to get here...I hope you don't mind. I think this is amazing everything you stand for and are doing here. I strongly believe and live my life according to.
ReplyDeleteI will definitely continue to read your blog.
Thank you so much for this
awwwww thanks a million! that means so much to me! please do!!! I really appericate it! =)
ReplyDeletehave a wonderful day!