Last year, I started working on a shoe line called Don Pedro and moved from California to New York City to study shoe design for a semester at the Fashion Institute of Technology University. Part of the requirements for the shoe design program was to take Human Anatomy, which in the beginning annoyed me and in the end, ended up being my favorite class. In the class we learned the importance of how shoes protect our feet, different foot diseases, how our feet work, and everything else you can imagine. Like did you know, that in a life time you walk anywhere from 150,000-250,000 miles, which is 6-8 times around the globe! Wearing proper shoes can allure your well being in so many ways. When I heard about what TOMS SHOES were doing I was very pleased. For those of you who dont know, for every pair of shoes that someone buys from TOMS SHOES, he donates a pair to a child in need. As I was designing my line before TOMS SHOES became popular, I was thinking of doing the very same. So when I heard that Sport Chalet was collecting "gently wore shoes" for their Soles4Souls campaign I knew I had to donate shoes! So today after work I drove pretty far out of my way to donate my fairly new pair of black uggs. At first I walked into the store feeling a little embarrassed holding a pair of shoes in my hand haha. Yet after I asked the lady in the front if they were still collecting shoes and she said sure and pointed to an insane amount of shoes piled up like a hill, I started laughing at myself.
Tomorrow is the last day! Don't be lazy, go through your closet and see what shoes are small on you and what shoes you never wear and go donate it to families that are in need in Haiti. Remember, these people lost their world, so any kind of help really counts.

"If a man does only what is required of him, he is a slave. if a man does more than is required of him, he is a free man."
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