Saturday, while I was at work, I went to Yahoo images once again to see the updates of what's going on in Haiti, I was horrified.
The people of Haiti just took it to another level, I mean stealing, hitting eachother, shooting eachother, I actually saw a few photos of a man opening a coffin and taking out the body that was already in there to so that he can use it for someone else. Other photos of abandon coffins thrown in the middle of the road with bodies in them. I tend to relate natural disasters, where a massive amount of people are lifeless to the Holocaust almost always. So seeing piles of soulless bodies touches me in a way I dont even know how to describe and I cant help but to cry and feel a sharp pain in my heart and stomach.
One of the most touching and heart shattering photos I saw was of a tiny, 1 month year old baby, that a man from the rescue team had found alive in her mother's dead arms. The moment I saw this photo, I literally started bursting into tears at work. I mean what a miracle and at the same time terrible tragic. There were 700 images, which the first set, from day one I can look at but these new images I really couldn't. Watching these images unfold infront of my eyes of people suffering to such high degrees was killing me and I literally started to physically feel ill, so I stopped at 500. I almost considered not going to my best friend's birthday party because it really REALLY took such a toil on me. I cant really explain it but I take alot of sad stories extremely personal and they tend to stay stuck with me for years sometimes or even a lifetime. If not to that extend, then I would randomly relate the story I heard to everything through the day and cant get the image out of my head. Maybe its due to me being an artist, that I tend to hold such images in me with such detail.

I did however manage to snap out of it a few hours later and go to my best friend's birthday party which was at a bar. A few hours into the night, a huge fistfight breakdown in the bar. We were all hanging out on the outside part of the bar and all of a sudden a man gets kicked out the bar, yet we think nothing of it. A few more mins go by and I see a beautiful girl crying with blood covering her whole face, neck and chest. I immediately freaked out and then my immediate action is to go up to her and see if she is ok. One of my friend's told me to stay out of it but it comes naturally to me to go attend a person in need, so I did, as everyone carried on with the party. I asked if she was ok and what had happened to her, she thanked me many times for trying to help and caring. Which surprised me a bit that she so appericative, while in such pain. She told me that a guy punched her in the face, which caused another fight because moments later, someone else came out with even more blood all over them. The cops and the fire department came right after to help her and the other men that were hurt.
I really wish I could have done more, I hate seeing something like that and being helpless. I couldn't get over this poor girl the entire night, it kept replaying in my head.
Sometimes showing compassion is the greatest way to help. Humans are naturally caring so why not show it more. Asking someone a simple "Hello, how are you?" or "Is everything ok?" can really spark up a person's heart that was hurting. You may think its silly or useless but its not. You never know what someone has been through. Something so simple as that can change their day for the better. If ever I see someone crying, honestly, a complete straighter, I'll talk to them and try to help. The world revolves around love and it doesn't always have to be for someone you know. Think of all the people who went to volunteer in Haiti, all unconditional love and care. There is nothing wrong with showing that you care, it's a simple act of kindness. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around and in the bigger picture, the world.
“The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well”
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