I woke up and called the Ronald McDonald House to see about volunteering position they have. For those of you who don't know about the RMH, their mission is to provide a home for seriously-ill children and their families. They have provided more than 20,000 families with a place to stay and when necessary, the financial support that they need to make it through a very uncertain time in their lives. THEIR AMAZING! =D
I remember once when I was little, my mom, sister, brother and I, decided to donate our toys to the RMH, and it was also my little sister, Coral's Birthday, so all the present she didn't like we donated as well. We got a tour of the building, it was beautiful and heart breaking as well. This was many many years ago but I will never forget how protective of the children's safety, privacy, and health they were.
I called but once again, no one picked up! I wish I understood this no picking up the phone thing....beats me =/
I kept on researching places that were looking for volunteers, jobs for non-profit orgs, and trying to cause awareness, along with filling up my planner with different events coming up.
An organization that I'm very interested in helping is NOH8. It kinda became trendy now with many celebs which is kinda like blahhh but NOH8 stand for equal rights and trying to overturn Prop 8. In the past 10 years, Equality California has worked with the Legislature and the courts to ensure that all loving and committed couples have the right to marry in California. I'm sorry to say but I LOVE THE GAYS & LESBIANS!!! First of all one of my all time favorite shows was The L Word. The L word was a show about a group of close friends who were lesbians, it was the Sex & the City for the Lesbian community. Watching the show for 6 season really made you understand the things these group of women have to go through.
I believe in LOVE. Without love there would be no happiness. I believe that some gay/lesbian couple could make greater parents then some of the actually "normal" couples out there. I don't think its anyone's business but theirs if they want to be married. Who is anyone to choose the fate of these peoples life? America is suppose to be the land of the free! So I think it's important to be more open minded and show the rest of the world, that love is, LOVE. Love your daughter, son, father, mother, sister, brother, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband and wife no matter their gender! Let them have their rights.
NOH8 is having a open shoot event for the cause on:
Tuesday, January 12th, 2010
The House of Blues 6PM-8PM
8430 West Sunset Boulevard
Thursday, January 14th, 2010
The Yogurt Stop 5:30PM-8:30PM
8803 Santa Monica Boulevard
Their campaign are pretty cool looking. I love the art and creativity in it. So go! Have fun! Get a neat picture taken of you! and help support a good cause! I'm going Jan.12th!

After lots of research I ended up apply for a job that's working on a Campaign to stop ocean pollution. Funny enough, I posted about that a few days ago. Right now an island of trash twice the size of Texas is floating in the Pacific. This mass of bottle tops and takeout food containers kills thousands of marine animals like sea turtles and over a million birds every year.
I filled out an application, one of the questions on it asked, why you want to work with us. I wrote them about my project and about 10mins later I got a phone call back from them!!! YAYYYY! I have an interview tomorrow at 6pm! This is exciting stuff!
I'm also looking to work at a foreign country, just trying to find a good date for me, which country I want to help first, and the cause I'm most interested in.
So since I kinda sat at home all day, and although I suppose, I did "something" for the world, I felt like it wasn't good enough. I have this new theory, that its NOT the thought that counts, its the action that counts! So I donated $5 to The UNICEF Tap Project. I found out about this project, surprisingly enough, on Nicole Richie website. The love Nicole Richie she did some serious self evaluation and cleaned up well and now is very involved in many charities and opened one with her boyfriend Joel Madden from Good Charlotte.
Right now over 4,000 children die every day from not having clean water. Donating $1 can supply a child with safe drinking water for 40days. That's wonderful!!! COME ON PEOPLE A $1! In most places a bottle water is a $1 and that lasts us what? a day? if not a few hours. Help a child in need!
xoxo have a wonderful day or night!
"Expereince is the hardest teacher. She gives you the test first. Then the lesson" -Hofit Cohen
Ronald McDonald House: www.larmh.org
NOH8: www.bouska.net/noh8
Tap Project: www.tapproject.org