Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 1

So I wokeup today kinda freaking out.
I know I can make this goal of 365, but I started to realize how creative you really need to be to come up with 365 things on a daily base. I think that because I was thinking about it so much I kinda panicked and didnt come up with something so outrageous to start the new year with. I guess the thought of it is overwhelming but of course due able. So because I had mental writer's block all I did today was buy a recycle bag at the market. lol I know it sounds really silly and simple, but if I take it with me to the market each time I go I would be saving a lot of paper and plastic! On average, Americans use 12 plastic bags per grocery visit. Each year, Americans dispose of 100 billion plastic bags, only 1-3% actually get recycled and guess what!!! Thats saddddddddd! So I'm gonna really try to stop using plastic or paper bags. Plus there annoying anyways, they always rip and then they add up and u dont know what to do with them, weather you should save them for next time u need a bag or throw them away. Pointless. Let's start recycling =D

I also had a great shabbat dinner tonight, I thought it would be a great way to start 01/01. I actually really enjoy going to shabbat dinner. I'm not really sure how to word it but I love everything about it and the meaning behind it all. I personally find it beautiful. The more I learn the more I want to learn.
A close family friend of mine's husband hazar ba chva, and one of my favorite things to do when I go over their house on Shabbat is to ask him questions and learn more about our religion. I think its important as Jews or whatever you believe in, to truly understand why we do and believe the things that we do, not to just do them because thats how we were raised because the moment you find out the real meaning behind it, it makes you understand the beauty in your religion and in G*d.
With that being said, I'm off to bed its 7am and I'm tiredddddd!!! Nighty Night!

"You must love the crust of the earth on which you dwell more than the sweet crust of any bread or cake." -Henry David Thoreau

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