I did managed to burn myself pretty bad while brewing coffee for the house, it literally split all over my left hand.
After 2 and a half hours of decorating, I got a phone call from one of the staff members that I'm not allowed to use TAPE or have anything on the walls.
.....yaaaaa....that kinda makes it hard to hang things up on the walls or anywhere really. I was kinda upset and offended that I wasn't told this from the beginning and only after I put so much work into it. So after getting over myself, I tried to figure out how to make it work and I some how managed to do so, although I don't think it looks half as good as it did before. =/

After being there for almost 6 hours I left and went to The Landmark Forum Graduation. I've been wanting to take this Seminar for years now and always pushing it off so tonight I signed up for it. I really hope it will help me on this project and in other fields in my life. I'm all about the self-improvement section in the book stores ;) . I believe that you must be the change you wish to see in the world.
So I'm really excited about FINALLLLLY doing it! I'm gonna take it the last week of Feb! How Fab! lol I'm gonna do it the last weekend of the month because if I do go on the volunteering program I'd like to do it before.
"In my head there’s a greyhound station, where I send my thoughts to far off destinations, so they may have a chance of finding a place, where they’re far more suited than here."
It looks like you did a great job decorating that building. I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to do that. Good job!